This is a guide on how to integrate an Enegic Monitor to a NexBlue Edge. The configuration steps on the NexBlue end can be carried out by either Installers or Users.

Before you start:

  • A Monitor must be installed and configured to measure total consumption. You can find the steps below:
Installation Quick Start Guide from Enegic
  • The NexBlue Edge must be commissioned and registrered in the NexBlue Partner or myNexBlue APP
Installation Guide video from NexBlue
NexBlue Partner APP Guide video from NexBlue

For Installers:

  1. Go to the NexBlue Partner APP for Installers
    • If you want to add Enegic to a New Location
      • Tap Start configuration or Add new location in the Locations section
    • If you want to add Enegic to an Existing Location
      • Tap Locations
      • Select the Location that the Enegic Monitor detects
      • Tap Settings
    • Following the aforementioned steps
      • Tap Operator
      • Select Enegic
      • Copy Location ID
  2. Go to the Enegic APP
    • Go to Settings-Licenses
    • Scan the QR code on the included integration license in the Enegic product package box
    • Go to Settings-Reporters and tap Add new Reporter
    • Select Nexblue as the type of reporter from the list
    • Enter an appropriate name such as NexBlue charge control
    • Paste the Location ID from step 1 into the External ID of installation field
    • Enter Main fuse size
    • Enter a Safe charge level if the Enegic Monitor goes offline
    • Ensure the correct Enegic monitor is selected as total consumption measurement. Then, press Save to create the reporter
  3. Return to the operator page in the NexBlue Partner APP
    • Press Activate the operator to jump to the Enegic Monitor interface


For Users:


  1. Go to the myNexBlue APP for Users
    • Tap Locations
    • Select the Location that the Enegic Monitor detects
    • Tap Settings
    • Tap Operator
    • Select Enegic
    • Copy Location ID
  2. Go to the Enegic APP
    • Go to Settings-Licenses
    • Scan the QR code on the included integration license in the Enegic product package box
    • Go to Settings-Reporters and tap Add new Reporter
    • Select Nexblue as the type of reporter from the list
    • Enter an appropriate name such as NexBlue charge control
    • Paste the Location ID from step 1 into the External ID of installation field
    • Enter Main fuse size
    • Enter a Safe charge level if the Enegic Monitor goes offline
    • Ensure the correct Enegic monitor is selected as total consumption measurement. Then, press Save to create the reporter
  3. Return to the operator page in the NexBlue Partner APP
    • Press Activate the operator to jump to the Enegic Monitor interface