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How to create and manage Locations

How to create a Location

If you are fitting a charge point or NexBlue Zen for a site on which neither product type has been installed before, you will need to create a new Location. This is done through the NexBlue Partner App. When on the App, ensure you are on "Locations" at the bottom, then tap "Add new Location" if its not your first one, or tap "Start configuration" if it is.

The information that you will require in order to create the Location and start the configuration of any NexBlue products are:

  • Address - If no address exists yet (e.g. new build development) tap "No address available" and enter a name that suitably describes the location
  • Category - Community housing/Business/Private/Public (Private by default)
  • Country and Region
  • Time Zone
  • Operator - Which, if any, alternative OCPP based 3rd party will manage location and products within (NexBlue by default)

The following fields all determine the charging behaviour and power available to the charge point:

  • Main fuse - Size of the main incoming fuse to the property
  • Main fuse limit - % of main fuse power available to the charge points installed in a location
  • Fallback current - A value for which the charge points should revert to if they are unable to reach the NexBlue cloud

How to manage a Location

Locations can be managed either through the NexBlue Partner App, or through the NexBlue Partner Portal. Products can only be added to locations through the App, however they can be removed either through either the App or the Desktop portal.

All Location settings, other than Country and Time Zone, can be changed within the Partner Portal, with all setting available within the App.

Every Location will need to be transferred to the customer before the products on site can be used, we have a guide that details the Location transfer process for the Portal here, and the same but via the App instead here

Updated on 17 Mar 2025