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What is a Location and why is it important?

Good question! Within the NexBlue Partner App and Nexblue Partner Portal, Locations are the centre point for any installation. The best way to think of a Location is as a single incoming supply, including any circuits that come off from this supply. Its for this reason that only one NexBlue Zen (our load balancer) can be installed per Location. The Zen is measuring all of the energy flowing through an incoming supply, into a distribution board, from which it may be split into many different circuits. By placing the CT clamps over the cables by the incoming supply, you can ensure that all current flowing through into the distribution board is measured.

The below schematic highlighs a typical installation design within the system, in the example the variable, unknown "Alternative Loads" are calculated by measuring the incoming power with the NexBlue Zen, and minusing any known draw from charge points in Circuits 1 and 2. Knowing the value of the "Alternative Loads" ensures the charge points can utilise the maximum power allowed per Location

Locations are really important to get right for sites with multiple charge points and circuits within (e.g. usually commercial installations). For Domestic installations its rare to have more than one circuit as there is usually only one charge point per location.

The only additional complication to this is if the property also has Solar PV fitted. In this instance, the additional energy generation associated with the solar is also best to be measured, to prevent charge points being limited unnecessarily. By fitting one or three CT clamps over the incoming solar supply, the Location can then be aware of any and all power available to the site, and charge points, and ensure the highest level of charging is possible to all users.

Updated on 17 Mar 2025