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How to share a location with an individual/organisation

Organisations have been designed in the NexBlue system to enable partners who install NexBlue products to be able to centralise charge point management through the Partner Portal, rather than each individual Installer being responsible for their own charge points and Locations.

This is easy to manage when all members of the Organisation should have visiblity for all installations completed by other Members, e.g. an installation company with multiple Installers with company email addresses under which all installations should be visible to the organisation. However, sometimes it's important to be able to share a single Location with another individual or Organisation, e.g. if a contractor has undertaken an installation on behalf of a renewables distributor but the distributor is the CPO

A location can either be shared with an individual or an organisation, this guide will show you how to do both. Once a location is shared, it will populate in the Locations list, in exactly the same way as if the individual or organisation had installed it themselves.

How to share via email (individual)

Find the location you are wanting to share, then head to the permissions tab. Here you will be able to see anyone already has access to the Location, including the Owner (Customer) and any other users within your organisation. Click "Invite partner", then ensure individual is seleted in the drop down. Enter the email of the individual you want to share the location with, they will then be sent an email with instructions detailing how to add the Location to their portal view.

How to share via email (Organisation)

If you want to share the Location with an Organisation, rather than with one specific person, you can utilise the "Organisation Key" that exists within the system. This will need to be provided to you by the Organisation itself, the below screenshots detail how they can obtain this to pass on to you.

Once you have the organisations code with which you want to share the Location, follow the below steps to share with them. The invitation code will be sent to all members of the Organisation with the role "Administrator".

How to share via invitation code

If you haven't got the information of the installer you need to share with, either their email address or the Key of the organisation they are a part of, you can share the location code for the site instead. Head to the permissions tab as followed in the first two instructions for the specific location, however when you click "Invite partner", select "Share via invitation code" instead. This code is unique and can be sent to whoever the location is wanted to be shared, with however, the code will only be valid for 7 days from creation. A new code can be generated and shared after 7 days. The steps to be followed to add the Location using a code are detailed in this guide.

Updated on 17 Mar 2025